Diwydiannau Rydym yn Gwasanaethu
- Dillad a Dillad
- Torwyr Cylchdaith LV
- Data a Rhwydwaith
- Offer Aelwydydd Trydanol
- Deunyddiau Gosod Trydanol
- electroneg
- Diwydiant Goleuadau
- Cyfarpar Diogelu Personol
- Offer Chwaraeon
- Offer a Chaledwedd
- Teganau a Chynhyrchion Pobl Ifanc
- Dyfeisiau Gwifrau
- Golau llifogydd solar
- 0947 Cyfres
- 0830 Cyfres
- 0875 Cyfres
- 0865 Cyfres
- 0856 Cyfres
- 0918 Cyfres
- 0310 Cyfres
- 0845 Cyfres
- Golau stryd solar
Offer Chwaraeon
The sports equipment we inspect include training equipment, Yoga equipment, balls and protective equipment and so on. Over time, sporting equipment has evolved because sports have started to require more protective gear to prevent injuries.
Quality Defender work collaboratively with our customers in optimizing our inspection solutions for the sport equipment and place extreme importance to the below points when we evaluate the quality of these products:
● Measurement of roundness
● Material conformity
● Determination of rebound height
● Dynamic Impact test method
● Test conditions and sample preparation
● Circumference and poor measurement
● Safety performances
● Function
● Weight
● Quantity
● Varieties
● Deunydd
● Size
● Color
● Logo imprint
● Pacio
● Workmanship